Let us be clear
We are Not anti government! Anti corruption yes. The goverment can do what it does. They are doing a great job of exposing themselves and bringing themselves to the light for all to see. We dont need to give any energy to them. There are many who are on that path and doing what they have to. We are about self empowerment and teaching souls who they really are.

When one knows who and exactly what they are then we have no interest in the govern-ment. We simply get on with our own lives. Nonresident Settlor, the living beings, born in the image of God, given full dominion on the earth and self determination. Remain always in honor, do no harm, cause no loss.

The information offered here is a mix from many sources.
It is our desire to provide unbiased information. We offer what we have experienced ourselves and live every day.

We also offer information that we may not use ourselves but feel it deserves its place.
We know on this journey toward a new meaning to the word freedom, that there are many ways, means, methods, truths and opinions. Some we resonate with and some not so much. However all who are standing and offering their energy to the end cause, all have – something to offer.

Views and opinions
We present a variety of views and opinions from other souls that we ourselves may not or do not agree with and or utilise.

All are offered upon the table as information each of ye need to digest and decide for ye selves what is truth for ye. No other can decide that for another. We must come to that decision for our selves.

We have chosen our path and offer and teach that. We share other ways so ye get the chance to get a balance of information only. Which way to go must be your own choice.

We stand by what we teach and live it as we have the last two years.


For two years now we have asked many times the question;
If anyone has used what we teach or offer and it has failed them? Then we need to know.

Every few months I post and ask again. To date not one soul has come to us with failure. So we continue on until something changes.

If we do have this happen then we will do all we can to A, help in any way and B, learn, adapt, grow and go. Many things change on this journey. Law, law, truth, meaning of words and it can become a nightmare trying to keep up. However if we can stick to the basics that have proven to work well then hopefully we can help the many survive long enough to experience what many of us see coming as a pretty amazing future.

None of us have lived or experienced Real and True freedom before. This is first, this is war, this is deeply spiritual. It has changed many of us in ways not expected.

We are all doing what we can if we can as we can. All in our own way. And we must be free to choose what way we move forward in self determination.

We search for Truth, we experience said truth and we share that truth. Who knows? It may resonate with ye too 🙂 If not then great. Now ye have eliminated this or that way as an option. Simple and easy without all the rubbish in-between.

Truth and Freedom NZ