Nonresident Settlor (NRS)

Hi all. Below is the 3 hour recording with Craig Ronald Nonresident Settlor. Zoom recording. Click the link below to watch the video.
There were links put into the chat during the Zoom and these are listed below the recording link.

Zoom Recording 3 Hours

Interview with Derek Johnson

Coffee Talk 24-5-23


Public Trust Act 2001 Sect 148.

Contempt of Court Act 2019

Postal Services Act 1998

Trusts Act 2019

Policing Act 2008
Heartland group prosecution

There will be more sent to me to put up here so please keep a check on here to check them when they come in folks.

Ok folks below are links to the NRS Videos with NRS Craig ronald. We will just list them as the happen here for future reference.

NRSNZ Craig ronald interviewing Derek Johnson

Coffee Talk 24-5-23

It’s time to grow up and be the adult.

This path is one we have recently been learning about, foremost from Nonresident Settlor Craig Ronald. He has lived this way for some time now and has proven cases leaving caught. So we are wanting to share this awesome information. As most of the forward paths to freedom are based on “groups”, “collectives”, “parties”, “parliaments”, “governments” etc the NRS way is something completely different.
This is a path for each soul. Yourself. But on the inside!

Non = Not
Resi = Image
Dent = Thing

The reason it is shown as Nonresident – One word, then Settlor is because that is how it apears within Corpus Duris Secundum. Known as the second largest work on Law that exists. So we keep it that way.
What we are saying when we use this is – I am Not an image of a thing, and I sett the Lor (Law)

Remember custodians in a court can only take custody of property or things. As ye are concidered a “thing” and “property” of the crown then we are concidered a “resident”. So saying Nonresident is stating I am Not an image of a “thing”. The Crown is the Settler. YE are the Settlor. Many words were changed to try and take away the power of them and also to try and hide them. Or holds the power not Er. Settlor – Settler, Creditor – Crediter, Debtor – Debter.

Ye were born, in the image of God. God gave ye dominion over the Earth, and Self determination. Ye became Kaitiaki/Gaurdian of this Earth. There is No higher jurisdiction than God. Ye were born to live a free, self determining happy healthy life, in the image of God on a beautiful planet.

The lives we all live are as children. Running around believing anything we are shown by any percieved elder or assumed authority. We remain a child of the state for life. The crown remains in control of your entire life. Ye as the Parents (The Pair who Rents) remain the registered Keepers of the child.

So right from being Born, the crown system, changed this event to ye being Birthed. A shipping term.
Then ye were conditioned and programmed from day one to believe a very specific narrative. School books, specific subjects, specific information all to get ye to fully emerse your brain and self into the illusion.

You must do as ye are told. Dont talk back. Dont ask questions. NEVER question authority. Dont rock the boat.
If it has a Suit or a Uniform it means control and Authority. Trainined even what colour Ink to use for what. We were convinced words meant one thing as were taught in school and find that when those same words enter the legal realm the meanings all change. It’s called legalese speak.